The hormones have been driving me crazy this past week to ten days. Up and down like a yo-yo. Yesterday, I was completely najjy, really really irritable and short tempered. I hate myself like that. SO god knows how anyone puts up with me!!
On a brighter note my friend Sandhy is awake and has been transferred to a ward. That woman is phenomenal. A tour de force!! Her chest is still in a bad way but hopefully she'll have the strength to get through that too but it's going to be really hard work for her. I'll be thinking of her every day. Not that that will help in any way but there's not a lot else I can do really.
One thing that has been in the forefront of my mind recently regarding mental ill health issues and my friends going through a tough time is the fact that people get in touch, every now and again to say 'hi' or 'how you doing? And then you reply 'ok' or 'not so bad' or 'terrible', for example. Then you get nothing in return at all. The Time to Change programme is all for sending a message, a post card, or a text to see how your buddy is doing but then it has to be followed through? Surely?
If your friend doesn't answer or doesn't say 'yeah I'm great thanks' then the text, message, whatever needs following up and especially when the person suffering texts back then answer, saying 'great, good for you' or 'oh no, so sorry to hear that' you kind of get the drift? Don't just leave it hanging. It will make the person receiving the messages feel worse! On the other side, if you are the one suffering, then be careful who you engage with. Engage with the ones you know will send the message in genuine care for you and are truly looking out for you. Even if it's just an exchange of 2 or 3 texts or a 10 minute call.
Having someone ask you how you are as they know you aren't well then not bothering to continue the conversation is hurtful and could catch you at a very vulnerable moment. It could be the straw that breaks the camels back.