Monday, 20 April 2015

The energy of energy.

I’ve always suffered with poor energy levels. They seem to have gotten worse as I’ve gotten older particularly after a few very stressful years. I’ve always believed there is something in the concept that energy can be both positive or negative and can affect a being greatly when sensitive to it.

When I worked as a nurse in a busy intensive care department I didn’t think the energy there affected me until I became stressed and depressed then I couldn’t stand the energy at work. I can’t point my finger at the fact I worked around tons of machinery but with regards to energy from humans, I would suck it up like a sponge.

I was a magnet for the negative energy and tried, unsuccessfully many times to shield myself from it. The trouble was when I soaked it up, I seemed to become infected by it. I was living with a lot of negative energy due to home circumstances and then getting a lot from work too. As you can imagine, it’s not the jolliest place to work at times and I found the more negative I was the more I was affected by negative situations. Stands to reason. 

Leaving the place of work was what I needed to keep going. I simply couldn’t take it any longer. I tried working in other units but found the energy was just as bad and no matter how much I practiced positive thinking, I found my energy wasn’t kicking in.

A coach I saw a while back asked me what energised me. Nothing did at the time, not even sleep. I still struggle now but I’m working on it. I wake up with a certain amount of spoons for the day and that is it for the day once the spoons run out then I have reached my limit. My partner says it’s like someone has turned off my power. He can see it in my face when the plug is pulled. However, I’ve been looking into energy work more and more. What if my depressed energy levels can be treated the same way my depressed mood could?

I have tried to work on my energy levels and so far I'm not getting anywhere fast but these things take time. I could quite easily take myself back to bed right now and sleep a couple of hours!! Who couldn’t right? I have tried thinking of myself as one of these dynamic women who have so much energy they just do so much stuff in a day, it exhausts me to think about it. I suppose I am scared of getting to the point of dragging myself thought the day again and I don’t want to go back there but I know I won’t go back there because my life has changed completely and I will never go back to horrendous shifts and night duties. Ever.

Energy workers would say that I have a block and one foot is in the new ‘me’ and one foot in the ‘old’ and I need to find a way to get rid of the old energy. Not sure how I will do it yet though but hoping to find some answers.

What I have learned about energy though is that it can change everything and anything. Even if we can’t see it. In the book ‘The secret lives of plants’ the authors discuss research which shows that plants emit a frequency of energy and the frequency changes when the plant witnesses the ‘murder’ of another plant. It also omits a higher frequency when the ‘murderer’ is near. To me it makes perfect sense but I can see how others would think it was a load of tripe. 

But then there is the HAARP (high frequency active auroral research program) which can supposedly cause tsunami’s and earthquakes, although the programme is a conspiracy theory and is said to be closed now. What if it could. We know the air feels different on a clear summers day to when there is a thunder storm looming. 

I’ve also studied a small amount of chakra healing work with Carol Tuttle and Christie Marie Sheldon  They both talk of the great things we can do with energy by shifting it to a higher vibration. e.g. lower vibrations follow negative thinking and higher vibrations come from giving out love and blessings. When the energy resonates at a higher frequency it is able to heal better and receive more positive energy in return. 

I regularly have acupuncture and that uses the unblocking of energy in the body to help it heal and function well, as does Reiki. And my acupuncturist can detect my energy without me even saying anything! She can stick the needle in the right place and with her eyes closed can tell the feeling I’m getting without me even saying anything. 

I think there is definitely something in this energy thing. I just need to find how to tap into it to give me some!


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