Thursday, 5 March 2015

You get what you give?

This statement appeared on a social media site I'm subscribed to. It has a lot of people’s backs up so on reading the comments I decided to do a blog post on my take of it.
A little background- I have been through loss of a loved one, separation from a child, being heavily in debt, not having a penny to my name and not being able to pay bills, divorce and sexual assault. So I have had a fair bit of trauma in my life.
I've experienced crippling bouts of depression and chronic illness. This is just so you know I'm not from a privileged background. I have felt pain and anguish on a fairly big scale.
Ok, first let’s look at the statement-'you get what you give'.
For me it's missing substance and is a sweeping generalisation. Something I've learned from CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) sweeping statements are not the truth. If a person gives hatred to someone, they will get it back? Not necessarily. If a person gives love they will get it back? Probably not. If we devote ourselves to 'God', the poor, the needy, the dying, the sick or whatever less fortunate group we chose, does that mean we will always get good things in life and nothing bad will happen? Absolutely not.
Here's why. Being a person that goes out of their way to help or does loads of things for someone or something does not automatically mean that in return a person is entitled to good things because that person is probably doing those things in order to appear good to receive good things. I know I've done it myself and whinged about it afterwards that 'I did all these things for so and so and they didn't even say thank you'. The thank you is not necessary if a person did the deed with total love and giving. Not sacrificing themselves for the greater good but actually feeling love when the deed is being done. You will not get love in return as you did it with conditions that demanded 'I will have good things done for and to me because I have done good things for people and causes.'
Stay with me....ok so say you see a woman with a pushchair and she looks really harassed and in a hurry so you open a door for her or step out her way. She doesn't even acknowledge you. What do you think then? Jeez, what an ignorant woman? How rude? Probably.However, how about look at it this way. The woman is quite clearly distressed and her head is full of all sorts of things. She's probably stressed to the max and so she's not thinking straight. Maybe you should think 'thank goodness I am able to open the door for that lady' or 'thank goodness I don't have that kind of stress to deal with.' But you could also think 'thank goodness I was there at the right time to open the door for that lady, that made her life a bit easier, if only for one moment.' You got the satisfaction you were there at the right time and place to help that lady. That’s your reward, not the thank you. You gave your time and energy to open the door and you got a feeling of wellbeing from it.
No need for a thank you from her as you did the act with love and practiced gratitude for your life. Maybe in the future someone will be there to open the door for you when you are laden with bags or in a rush? Maybe you won't thank the person that did it for you but there's not always a need if that person opened the door with unconditional love.
There are some people in the world who are ignorant and/or narcissistic and/or arrogant. They think they are entitled for the door to be opened for them, always and they would never open a door for anyone. So do they get what they give? Probably, because they gave out a sense of entitlement and got what they wanted.
If you are already worried about money what happens? An unexpected bill pops up. Your car breaks down. The washing machine packs up. If you worry about your health, you become ill, sometimes, not always. If you obsess that you want a relationship, you’ll attract the wrong person in because you are displaying desperation. How does that relate to ‘you get what you give’? Well you are projecting thoughts about negative situations so therefore the universe answers what you’ve been thinking about. So therefore think positive thoughts? And practice gratitude you are fortunate enough to afford a new washing machine, yes it’s inconvenient and costly but when you go to pay for it hand over the money with gratitude and love that you are fortunate enough to be able to afford such luxury and someone had the knowhow and provision to build such an efficient machine and you can wash your clothes conveniently and without too much hardship. I got a washing machine because I gave my time and earned the money for it. Thank goodness!
In a previous post I talked about attraction and getting what I wanted. What I should have done back then is said to myself 'right I've lost mum, I'm devastated but I don't want any more bad things to happen to me so I need to be grateful for what I do have and think about what I do want.' Very difficult when someone is suffering grief but I think it can be done. I know people who have faced adversity and have overcome some of the most terrible things by refusing to let more bad stuff happen.
Why did I attract more bad things into my life when I was already suffering? Because I thought I deserved it? Maybe. Probably. Most likely. But if I had focused on the good things in my life after her death and what I definitely did want then the further bad things would not have happened. I was desperate to be loved, as I'd lost the person I most loved in the world. That was the answer. A boyfriend. Someone to love but instead of saying 'I want a guy who will respect what has happened to me and work with me on this and not be selfish' I just focused on 'anyone will do so long as they pay attention to me'. I was given someone who wasn't good for me and it made me feel worse which led to an overdose. It was a self-perpetuating prophecy. If I think 'oh well, I deserved that' or 'there's no surprise there' I got what I believed to be what I deserved.
So back to the quote. I give and give and I am loving and nice yet I get bad things happening, why? Because I didn't expect anything good to happen to myself and I wasn't grateful for what I did have. I attracted more bad into my life by thinking bad thoughts on situations I had no control over.
But I have been on the other side of a situation such as the losing a loved one. I went through a very traumatic time when my daughter went to live with her dad and there were a lot of mitigating factors around the situation such as I kept having destructive relationships and bad things kept happening to the point that again I overdosed as I was at rock bottom. I found it difficult to deal with my daughter going to live with her dad and giving him the control over her life when previously he hadn't been interested in her at all. I felt a failure. Then he took me to the CSA (child support agency) so I was faced with financial pressure and his girlfriend was interfering and my relationship with my daughter fraught and I had issues in my new relationship. I was incredibly bitter that my ex had found someone who he loved but not only affluent and they were going away on holiday and I was stuck at home poor, having bad relationships. I think my ex is a person who will always attract good as he thinks he deserves it but he's not a particularly kind or caring person. I wished him ill but then thought 'no because if I wish him ill, it might backfire on me' but I couldn't find it in my heart to wish well. Basically I crumbled and took to my bed through sheer exhaustion and frustration and stress. I could have handled it very differently.
I still struggle a little with it now but it's getting better because I'm happy but I too got what I wished for. I said 'no more spongers, no more unkind, selfish guys in my life. I want one that is kind, compassionate, caring, loving, romantic and selfless.' I got it. He came when I least expected it as I was happy to be on my own. I had still had things with him I needed to work through and vice versa and it was a straightforward road, it was bumpy. I nearly gave in a couple of times but we worked it out, he also has had a big learning curve to climb.
All that has happened has led to very momentous time in my life and a massive change. I am still dealing with things and working through them. Constantly trying to get everything right in my mind and live with my actions. It’s hard work.
But had those things in the past not happened, I wouldn’t be here today, right where I need to be.
When it comes to abuse, trauma and illness can we then apply this thinking to the quote?
I’d have a hard time backing up anyone who said ‘that happened to you because you didn’t practice gratitude.’ You got what you gave? No, you didn’t. But you can choose to let the action take you down or you can choose to still be grateful for all the things you do have. Learn to deal with the anger and pain and hurt so it doesn’t destroy you.
Victims of abuse can't always help what happens to them or stop it and they aren't getting what they gave because they didn't give abuse. These kinds of sayings are sweeping and sometimes not helpful in extreme circumstances. I didn't invite the death of my mum in but I chose to destroy myself over it.
Then I stopped wishing myself out of the hole I was in. I just had to 'know' everything would be ok. I had gotten myself out of holes before, I could do it again. I stopped feeling sorry for myself, mostly, it's taken time trust me and I stopped being a victim. I stopped giving all my energy to the hatred of my ex and feeling bitter. It was I who was hurting me. I begrudged giving him child support as he was going on fancy holidays and having a lovely life but then I read in the book 'The Secret' to give with love, including money, means we will attract it back. I've always had a thing about being broke but I don't think that anymore. I attracted a solution into my life to the problem I had and I'm very grateful for it, every day, all the time! I can't control what my ex does with the money I give him but somewhere along the line it will benefit my daughter. If it doesn't then that is my ex's problem to deal with. He makes that choice and he will get what he gives too. I was very bitter about the amount of money I had to give him in the divorce. It wasn't fair as I'd had no choice but to let my daughter go and live with him so therefore he got more money as the resident parent. But I started to think, it's not my money anyway and I've got a great life. The life I had always wanted. He was in debt and he has my daughter most of the time, let him have the money. Let him do with it what he pleases and hope he makes a good decision with it. But I think the money will soon be gone. But there is nothing I can do about it so I let it go.
When a bad thing happens we can chose to continue to hurt ourselves or we can choose to not hurt ourselves. That's our choice, not the perpetrators. And sometimes bad things happen because we put ourselves in a vulnerable place or don't tell the world we aren't going to accept something. Maybe being vulnerable, a perpetrator took the opportunity to cease the situation to their own sick advantage. But its how it's dealt with afterwards that counts too. You don't have to be strong as such just say to the world 'I'm not going to take this crap anymore' and find a way, make a plan of how you are going to get out of being the perpetual victim.
Practicing gratitude works for me and it can't do any harm. Do not give those bad thoughts room in your head. Focus on something you want. Trust it'll come to you and believe it will come to you. Getting what you give isn't fail safe and all encompassing; they are infinite amounts of conditions that could affect what happens to us.
Bad thoughts still come into my head and heart now. They come in and sometimes I entertain them but I know if I entertain them I am asking them to come to fruition. I will only do things I want to do and I will do them with love and wholeheartedness. I refuse to be a victim anymore also and I refuse to believe bad things will happen but if they do, I hope I can deal with them and they won't drive me down into that dark place again. I'm learning and educating myself every day and I've gotten myself out of a black hole once again and I intend to stay out of it.
If you gave all you could (100%) to a cause such as sport or fundraising for example then you could expect to receive a good return on investment? But the same cannot be said when human beings and emotions are involved. Human beings are are unique unpredictable creatures. We cannot presume because we have done something for the greater good of mankind we can expect things in return. We shouldn't anyway.
So do we get what we give? Not always, it’s too general a statement, but we can learn to be grateful for the things we do get and we can give with total unconditional love and this brings good things into our lives to outweigh the bad.

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